Press Release Summary = Block and kill all popups while surfing the net, fast and easy
Press Release Body = November 24, 2006: Creative Solutions today announced the release of \"Easy Popup Killer 2.5\", an intelligent internet popup blocking system.
Easy Popup Killer works by monitoring all windows on your PC, keeping track of every pop-up window. The popup blocker has full support for both pop-ups and pop-under ads and will kill them even before they appear on the screen. Since the pop-ups are killed in such an early stage banners and other data is not downloaded at all, reducing the bandwidth utilization. Another exclusive feature for this popup killer is its black and white list funtions - The blacklist works like this: while surfing the internet there may be a couple of sites or even a couple of domains you or your children would like to stay away from, by adding the domain name, or part of it to the blacklist, Easy Popup Killer will block out this site. the whitelist works quite like the blacklist: maybe you have very small children surfing the internet, you would like them only to visit sites that you have approved, this can be done by adding them to the whitelist. Lets say your child are surfing and your have added the domain to your whitelist, then only surfing on domain is allowed. Gives you unlimited great parent control.
About Creative Solutions.
Software developing, for easy-to-use and high quality. checkout, within the next month (december 2006) we will be launching a message board for custumor support, but mostly to give you the opportunity to be involved in new ideas and upgrades for software development.